
Kohl Parent Teacher Association

Get Connected.
Build relationships and connect with a more extensive and diverse community of parents, guardians, caregivers, and your Kohl teachers, staff, and principal.

Speak Up.
Share an idea. Voice a concern. It’s all about communication. PTA meetings give you an opportunity to share and discuss ideas for positive change. We want to hear from you! Your Vote Counts!

Vote to make sure your voice is heard when important school issues arise.

Watch Yourself Grow.
Volunteering with the PTA is an opportunity to use your skills, hobbies, and expertise to improve the educational experience for everyone at Kohl Elementary. Whether you can commit to small jobs, donate supplies, or help lead a committee you can pick your level of involvement.
Be a Role Model.
By joining the Kohl PTA, you automatically become a member of both the State of Colorado and National PTA. Both organizations ensure a voice for our children in the legislature. You will be setting a good example of citizenship for the next generation.
And It’s Fun!