March PTA Meeting Minutes

Get the nitty gritty of what happens during the PTA meetings.


Attendees:  Emily Unkefer, Julie Remington, Mike Lowe, Jackie Howard, Kelli Trenkamp, Stacey Blicker,Sarah Spoelstra, Kimiko Egy, Leslie Gaiser, Erin Pilger, Valeri Baye, Korrie Skibinski, Nancy Sifuentes, Rob Sanchez, Alissa Dorman, Wendy Holst, Heidi Siguaw, Jax Jaramillo


Introductions & Welcome

Meeting called to order by Emily Unkefer, PTA President at 6:31pm.  Introductions were made.  January minutes were reviewed and approved by membership. As a reminder due to the weather the February meeting was cancelled.

Budget Update

Julie Remington provided the treasurers report.  A review of the past fundraisers was presented.  Julie also proposed three changes to the budget. The payback books were a new fundraiser this year and proceeds were delegated to the Ride Store. PTA determined it would donate $1500 as an added expense for Ride store prizes. Also, it was determined that the butter braid fundraiser will provide additional money for new books.  This year we raised $2,925.  As a result Julie added the books to the budget as a new line item.  Julie also discovered that the amount in the PTA savings account was not listed in the original budget.  An additional income of $8,488 twas added to the amount carried over from the 2014-15 school year.  PTA voted to accept the updated budget revision.  Motion was approved.

Our goal for each year will be to only carry over $10k.  This money will help improve mini grants money as well as provide an additional cushion to provide options for the following year.  2015-16 was definitely a fortunate year!

At this time we are waiting for any outstanding mini grant requests.  After school clubs will be submitted to the treasurer by the end of year.  PTA also provided funding for the automated external defibrillator (AED) which is currently mounted in the office.  Next year PTA will provide Kohl staff with a “mini grant czar” to assist with any purchasing questions.  Emily Unkefer has volunteered to be this person!

Principal Report:

Mike Lowe recapped his discussion with the teachers on where to apply the additional $10,000 donated by the PTA.  Ideas included revamping intervention materials such as wiggle chairs, chrome books, charging stations, revamping book boxes, as well as refreshing the technology.  Allocations of $1,000 will go toward SPED and other specialists.  An all-inclusive list will be available once all purchases are complete. Membership moved and approved this motion. Start spending Kohl Elementary!

Elections & Candidates

It’s time to elect new PTA Officers.  A descriptive list of duties will be provided for the current open positions including president, vice president & recording secretary.

Event Updates:

Wednesday, March 16 – Noodles & Co. night

Friday, April 1 – Family Wild Thing Spring Dance – using the newly purchased audio visual equipment

Thursday, April 21 – SAC learning fair

Friday, May 20 – Moms Night Out at Whimsy Paint and Sip, there are still spots open sign up now!


Trivia Night /Silent Auction – big success!

48 donations from businesses, organizations and individuals provided 82 prizes — earning Kohl Elementary $3,729. Kohl earned almost 60% profit on the donations available.  Thank you letters & certificates were delivered in person where possible, and mailed to the rest of the donors.  The auction itself raised $3,729.  As the subcommittee chair for the Silent Auction, Rob thanked all the people who helped arrange donations, and a huge thank-you to Carrie Pepperdine and Julie Remington for helping run the auction itself and the checkout process at the end. Thank you to the buyers for being patient while everyone’s money was collected and items distributed.  Next year they will focus on streamlining the checkout process.

Kohl 5K

The race will be on May 7.  Currently looking for sponsors as well as volunteers to make the event a success.  Also, if anyone has seen the 3rd banner please contact Pauline Higgins.

Miscellaneous News

Girls Leadership Institute will provide a $15 discount to all families who attended.  A special shout out to PTA for helping to support families to attend.

Colorado Graduation Guidelines – Beginning with the Class of 2021, a new Colorado law requires students to demonstrate competencies within English and Mathematics either through a standardized test or Portfolio/Capstone. Kohl families are invited to attend the community information meetings to learn about and provide input toward the new state graduation requirements.  They are currently in the preliminary stages looking for suggestions for the top choices.  For more information email Valeri Baye.

DAC update was provided by Valeri Baye.  She addressed the superintendent’s report on recommendations to where to allocate money.  Basically the committee stated what areas we’d like improve such as social/emotional support, Kindergarten, tech support; however, no money is available at this time.

Meeting Adjourned 7:07 pm


Get Ready to ShamROCK!

Shamrock Family Dance
Friday, March 13th, 6-8pm – $5 per family

Banner-ShamrockShow you know how to ShamROCK at next Friday’s family dance! We’ll have snacks (50 cents apiece), dance-offs, and a prize for the person who comes dressed with the most Shamrock Spirit! And for a special treat: watch and learn from Cristy Jones and her Scottish Highland Dancers!

Irish steppers need their energy! Please consider donating individually wrapped baked goods to sell as snacks in our Family Dance Bake Sale. Simply bring them with you to the dance & we’ll take care of the rest. Proceeds will help offset the cost of the dance.

Can you help?

We need a few volunteers to help with the ticket and bake sales. Please contact Nancy Sifuentes if you’d be willing to take a shift.